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And We Are Back!

It's been a few months, whirlwind for me, dull for any reader, but the short of it is that I'm back and I have not only a new look but new content to match.

What's happened to me since the old design?

  • I went on a trip to Germany!
  • I wrote a novel!
  • I moved out of my condo, renovated, then moved back in on the exact same day I moved in the first time!
  • I finally caught up on Bojack Horseman and yes I cried. No shame!

Other than that, it's been nose to the grindstone as I work towards completing some big projects at work. I'll be really excited to get these secret things off the ground, corporate gods willing it will be done. 

I will try and be better updating and posting here more regularly and with my new hosting and set up, it should be much easier.

